Let the River Flow
King David wrote in Psalm 16:11, “You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” God’s presence brings with it joy and pleasures.
One of the images that are used in the Bible to speak of the presence of God is the river. In ancient times, rivers are the sources of life, sustenance, and many good things. The early civilizations that flourished were those that were established along the major rivers (Egypt along the Nile River, Babylonia along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, etc). Spiritually speaking, the river of God is the source of life, sustenance, and many good things for us. When the waters from God’s presence flow freely into our lives, there will be life and many wonderful things.
The Lord wants his presence to flow to you. His presence is the water that gives life. Actually, this water is already in the innermost part of you (in your spirit) because God lives with you in your spirit. God wants this life to flow to your soul (mind, emotions, will) and body. God wants his presence to touch and bless every area of your life. If his presence is able to touch your thoughts, feelings, and body, you will experience the life and power of God in those areas of your life.
Are there areas of your life that are dry or seemingly lifeless? Are you experiencing “drought” in some area of your life? Let the river of God’s presence touch those dry and lifeless areas. You will come alive and bear fruit in those areas of life. Where God’s water of life is released, there is life and everything that is good.