Lighthouse To The Nations
Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…
We are very glad that you made it today! This is a very special day because we are celebrating the 13th anniversary of our dear Lighthouse family! Thirteen (13) years ago, Pastor Leah and I started Lighthouse at the living room of our house. Today we give glory and praises to the Lord for what has happened thus far. From a group of 14 people, we are now a church family of several thousand people. The Lord has done amazing things.
As we look back at our journey as a fellowship of Christ-followers, we are awed at the mercy and grace of God to save lives, transform them to be useful people in the kingdom of God, and multiply their impact through disciples who also make other disciples. Thousands have been brought to the Lord the past 13 years. Many of them have returned to their home towns or cities, and a significant number have moved to other cities in the Philippines and outside as well. Yet the work of God at our dear Lighthouse family continues.
Our theme for this year is “Lighthouse to the Nations!” We are literally in a very exciting season of our life as a church because we are growing here in our home base, but we are also establishing outreaches or daughter churches in other places in Mindanao. And we are going to nations (that is, ethnic groups) here in the Philippines and abroad. As of moment, a team of about 20 people are preparing to go to Thailand and Myanmar to bring the good news that there is salvation and help through Jesus Christ. This is our fourth overseas mission trip, if we include in the count the short Kuala Lumpur vision trip last June. We are also scheduled to do another Tinnananon Mission in Arakan Valley on December 7-8.
The Lord is truly sending us out as a church family to the nations. We are all in this together, though we have different roles. Some go physically and literally. Others go ‘in the spirit’ through their faithful prayers. Still others are team members in the mission by giving finances, as well as helping by other means. As we said last year, ‘together we grow, together we go.’
Exciting things are happening, including the bold dream of buying our own lot and eventually building a 1,000-seater worship center. We cannot rent facilities forever. So let’s excitedly pray, give generously, and help build our very own Lighthouse Worship Center soon.
May the magnificent Lord of the church bless you today as you unite with him and our whole Lighthouse family in wholehearted thanksgiving as well as recommitment to the Lord who has so graciously and mercifully redeemed us from our sins. To Him be all the glory now and forever. So be it.
Lathur Badoy