Matthew 13:44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”
We are happy that you came today! The Lord will bless you for making worshipping him and listening to his Word a part of your week. Coming to church is a very important practice, and those who do it regularly reap the many benefits it brings. The Lord wants to bless people. People do well to put themselves in the right places and at the right times when God works and releases his grace. Passive people are not going to be blessed. But those who actively pursue knowing God and making God known will surely prosper. Every single person on this planet is pursuing something. They may do it consciously or unconsciously. They may do it casually or seriously. But everyone is after something. Today we want to talk about two things that are worth pursuing and finding. These two things are so valuable that one does well to pay any price in order to obtain them. What are your pursuits in life? What are you chasing after? Consider carefully what they are. You wouldn’t want to find yourself disappointed because your pursuits may be promising much but delivering so little. Make sure you are not pursuing illusions and false promises. Life is too short to waste on empty goals. When we look into the Scriptures, we see goals that are worth pursuing. We see a love that is definitely worth finding. Let’s give ourselves to it. Like in the story told by no less than the Lord Jesus himself, let us seek the treasure that is the person of God and then joyfully offer all so that we can have the pleasures of a love relationship with God. That is wisdom in its highest form. That is love in its most blessed pursuit. And the result will delight us, for it will change us and those around us. May you and your family find the love worth finding and pursue it with all your heart and with all that you have. The Lord’s rich blessings be on you today! Lathur Badoy