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- PRE-ENCOUNTER PARTY on April 13 & 14 (Wednesday & Thursday), April 17 (Sunday) at The Lighthouse – Victoria Plaza. Weekday Schedule: 7:00 – 10:00 PM and Weekend Schedule: 1:30 – 4:30 PM. Make yourself ready for a life-changing retreat as you experience total freedom, joy & purpose. You need to attend only one of the three scheduled classes. See you!
- Block off your schedule for ENCOUNTER GOD WEEKEND on April 23 & 24 (Saturday & Sunday) at The Lighthouse – Victoria Plaza. To qualify, one must be a member of a Life Group or completed the 5 Lessons of Change 12 and attended a Pre Encounter Party. Everything starts with an Encounter with God!
- Be the change you are longing to see in the world. Be part of CHANGE 12 WEEKS on March 13 – April 9. Four weeks of intentional and strategic sharing of the Gospel to the lost. Be the spark of hope God will use to bring transformation to other people’s lives. Together, let’s change the world one person at a time.
- “I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions.” (Joel 2:28) FIRE AND GLORY CONFERENCE RELOAD: BIGGER FIRE AND GREATER GLORY with Ptr. Herman Martir, Rick Pino, and Jose Diaz on March 30 (Wednesday), 1:30 – 9:30 PM at The Lighthouse – Victoria Plaza. Get ready for God’s mighty outpouring as we receive bigger fire and experience greater glory. Be part of a momentous gathering of undivided worshippers & lovers of Jesus. Bring the whole team and spread the word around. FREE ADMISSION. Don’t miss as the realities of heaven manifest on earth! See you there!
- Be equipped and trained for greater ministry service as you attend 1728 LEADERS MENTORING with Ptrs. Lathur & Leah Badoy on April 5 (Tuesday), 7:00 – 10:00 PM at The Lighthouse – Victoria Plaza. Learn God’s strategies for to effectively win souls and make disciples. Leaders are learners. See you there!