And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. - Jesus Christ (Matthew 4:19)
“Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men”, said the Lord Jesus Christ. This, in summary, is what you and I are called upon to do on our short life on this present earth. And it’s a most exciting mission in life.
As a personal hobby, I do recreational fishing. Also called sport fishing, recreational fishing is fun. I have many vivid memories of adrenaline rushes in my body that happen when fishes take the baits and swim away pulling the lines tight and bending the fishing rods. What a joy to land a fish, especially many fishes. More so if you catch some big ones.
Spiritually speaking, you and I who call ourselves followers of Jesus are fishers of people. We have the awesome privilege of serving our Captain in his fishing boat and going out to catch people for God. The church or body of the Lord Jesus is actually a fishing boat sent to win as many people as possible. You and I are to work together to bring spiritually lost people back to God.
The church must realize that she is not a cruise ship whose purpose is only to bring entertainment to people. Nor is she a speed boat that is trying to go faster than other religious groups as if they are on a competitive race. The people of God are called by God not to serve any other purpose but to rescue the spiritually lost and dying for God.
You and I are on a mission. Let’s catch as many people for the Lord in the turbulent waters of life. And with God’s power, we will accomplish our mission.
Lathur Badoy