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- There is more that God wants to do in your life. Keep going. Keep growing. Don’t miss POST ENCOUNTER POWER SERIES on May 12 & 19 (2 Sundays), 12:45 – 3:45 PM at WOW Generation Youth Hub, Cinema 2, Victoria Plaza. Be empowered to stand firm in your faith and walk confidently in your Christian walk. See you!
- Mark your calendar for WATER BAPTISM on May 18, 2019 (Saturday), 6:00 – 8:00 AM at Lanang Aplaya Beach Resort, Lanang, Davao City. “What are you waiting for? Get up and be baptized. Have your sins washed away by calling on the name of the Lord.’” (Acts 22:16) Make a public declaration to follow God. Seal your faith and bury your past life behind. Be there!
- Experience God’s limitless power and be charged up for an evening of clean party. WOW GENERATION YOUTH presents MARVEL: AT GOD’S WORD on May 17 (Friday) at The Lighthouse, Cinema 6, Victoria Plaza. You can attend WOW Generation High School: 5:00 – 6:30 PM or WOW Generation College: 7:00 – 8:30 PM. Invite your friends, squad and classmates. Together, let’s be a generation who seeks God’s face and loves His word. This is fun!
- Raise up a child that honors and pleases God. Sign up for our CHILD DEDICATION on May 19, 2019 (Sunday) during the 10:30 AM Sunday Worship Celebration at The Lighthouse, Cinema 6, Victoria Plaza. For inquiries, please ask your Life Group Leader or contact the LCF Office.
- Be excited for SCHOOL OF LEADERS 1 & 2 on June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 & July 7 (6 Sundays) at WOW Generation Youth Hub, Cinema 2, Victoria Plaza. Enroll to 6 weeks of learning and intentional training to becoming the leader God has called you to be. Be equipped for greater ministry service!
- Calling all parents with child/ren ages 4 - 11 years old. We have a special summer event that your kids will surely love and enjoy. KING’S KIDS SUMMER CAMP 2019 is inviting you to HEROES OF FAITH “JESUS: THE GREATEST AVENGER” on May 25, 2019 (Saturday), 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM at Gardena Fresca Pond & Grill, Coca-cola Village, Matina, Davao City. Registration Fee is Php 175 inclusive of lunch, snacks, token and other materials. Sign up now!
- “She is energetic and strong, a hard worker.” (Proverbs 31:17) To our champion, cheerleader, & Chief Inspiring Officer, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! Today, we give our deepest appreciation and honor to all lovely, beautiful, awesome and loving mothers in the world. You are God’s best blessing and gift to us. You are the best mom! May God bless and surprise you tremendously!