Joshua 24:15 ….But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.
Welcome to Ministry Fair 2019! Today we showcase the various ministries of the church. And we invite every individual and family to participate in any one of the existing ministries. In particular, we are focusing on eight ministries that support the evangelism and discipleship work of the church. They are labelled as “secondary ministries” not because they are not important, but because their role is to make evangelism and discipleship (which are the “primary ministries”) successful and effective. Receive inspiration as you watch and listen to a creative presentation, video production, live testimonies, and practical sharing of the Word of God. Be encouraged to use your God-given skills, creative talents, artistic abilities, special trainings, and spiritual gifts for the service of God and people. Be empowered that you can be useful to our Master, the Lord Jesus Christ. And before you leave the worship hall, be sure to enlist in at least one ministry opportunity. Signing up means that you are interested to participate, but be assured that you are still free to change your mind later on. If you are not sure which ministry you are best suited for, try one or two. By actual involvement you will feel if that particular ministry is for you or not. You can have a graceful exit should you later feel unsuited for what you thought would work well for you. Be advised that orientation, trainings, on-the job supervision and guidance are provided for new volunteers. And you will have senior volunteers who have been doing it for some time already provide encouragement and handy support as you start. The best way to live is to serve the Lord. May every one find their place. Together let’s transform Davao City and beyond for the glory of our Lord. Lathur Badoy