Isaiah 6:8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
Thank you for coming to our worship celebration today! We are glad that you are joining this special Mission Sunday! Today we focus our hearts and minds on some thing that is very dear to the heart of God: mission. Mission exists from the very beginning because it has always been God’s desire to have a people who would love him. Mission is necessary because there are so many people who have not yet heard of the great love of God for them, and thus have yet not had the opportunity to respond to him and love him back. The work of God is the same in every generation and in every race. You and I are called upon by the Lord to love him and to love people. And doing these would mean that we are to tell every human being alive about the Lord’s love and salvation for them. Witnessing for Christ and evangelizing people (telling them the good news) are core responsibilities of true followers of Christ. And the scope is as wide as the world. We proclaim Christ and his gospel to people of same language, culture, and race, as well to people of different language, culture, or race. Whether same culture or different, it is mission. Yet in some parts of the world, there exists ethnic groups where the majority of their members have not yet heard of Christ and the good news of salvation. There are tribes and nations that have not yet been successfully penetrated by the gospel. There are places where the number of individuals and groups that follow Christ are in the very small minority compared to the total population. For example, we have been saying that Thailand as a country is only less than 1% Christian. Clearly, there is so much need out there. That’s why we go. That’s the reason we send mission teams even though it costs a lot of money, time, and effort. May our hearts be knit with God’s heart today! May we also say, like Isaiah did in his time, “Here I am, Lord! Send me” (Isaiah 6:8) Lathur Badoy