Mission Takeover
This past week, my son and I spent some time watching a portion of an action movie that hit the movie screens some years ago. Many themes were covered in the dialogues. But I couldn’t help but notice that a big idea in the movie is the purpose of life. Every now and then, words like, “That’s my purpose” or “I exist for that purpose” would come out of the mouths of some of the main characters. As far as they were concerned, purpose is key and each one must stay faithful to the reason one is alive.
The Lord created you and me for a purpose. He blesses you and me for a purpose. And he desires for us to know that purpose and stay focused on that. We may be involved in many endeavors and activities, and we may have many valid commitments and involvements. Each activity must find its meaning in relation to the purpose of God for our lives. Work, business, studies, family, friendships, and every other area of life intersect at the point of our faith in God and our purpose in God. As we do our daily jobs, studies, business, household chores, ministries, etc., we do them in ways that bring glory to God and advance God’s kingdom on the earth. Even the most mundane of tasks can be done with passion and joy if they are done in a way that somehow connects with our purpose on the earth.
Deep and lasting fulfillment comes when you and I are walking in the path that fulfills God’s purposes for our lives. There is no better life than doing God’s will in the different areas of our lives. Today, let’s recommit to fulfilling God’s purposes for our lives.
The Lord has a blessing for you today! Open your heart to him, trust in him, and obey him. Great blessings come to those who honor and follow the Lord!