1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
Welcome to our worship celebration today! The Lord loves you and wants to bring you close to him. When you are with him, you will be protected and blessed. But when you are far from him, you will be unprotected from negative forces and do not have the favor of God on your life. The best way to live is to live closely with God. Today, we want to talk about a very important aspect of our lives: music. Most of us experience the positive and negative effects of music each and every day of our lives. Our choices on music do have an impact on our feelings, character, and behavior. Positive, especially godly music, bring peace, joy, hope, and other positive feelings and values to our lives. But negative music, especially ungodly music, can cause hopelessness, anger, immoral actions, and the like. Negative music can become Satan’s instrument to steal from us, kill us, and destroy us. For example, some ungodly metal music lead the listeners to sexual promiscuity, illegal drug usage, violence, and even criminal acts. The result can be alienation from family, friends, reality, the law, a productive life, fulfillment of dreams and great potentials, and more. Godly music, on the other hand, brings us closer to God, makes us feel valuable and important, gives us hope inspite of challenges and temporary setbacks, and leads us to positive and godly behaviors. It gives us peace and joy, and directs us to good and godly choices and away from wrong paths. The results are good relationship with God, happy feelings about one’s self, good relationship with family, success at work/business/school, and positivity in the various areas and relationships of life. We do well to pursue godly music. The Lord is here with us today to touch and bless your life as you open yourself to honor him. Be excited as you receive his blessing for you, for your family, and for your ministry!Lathur Badoy