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- “And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him.” (Colossians 2:6) Attend POST ENCOUNTER POWER SERIES on November 27 & December 11 (2 Sundays), 1:30 – 4:30 PM at The Lighthouse – Victoria Plaza. Grow more in your love and commitment to God. Make a clean break from the devil and seal the freedom you gained from God! See you!
- Finish the year strong and let your faith enter a new dimension as you attend SHUNAMMITE CONFERENCE with Ptrs. Favor and Glory Blancas on December 2 (6:45 – 9:00 PM), December 3 (9:30 AM – 6:00 PM), and December 4 (10 AM – 7 PM) at The Lighthouse – Victoria Plaza. Be blessed and be changed as you allow God to establish godly principles in honoring and obeying His word. Don’t miss it!
- Get ready to soar high in your career or business as we invite you to iFLY, a Convergence of Business People and Professionals on December 9 (Friday), 6:30 – 9:00 PM at The Lighthouse – Victoria Plaza. Relax on a Friday night and make friends with like-minded people. There’s nothing more encouraging than hearing God’s word and be empowered to do greater things for His glory. Invite your colleagues!
- Mark the schedule for WATER BAPTISM on December 10 (Saturday), 6:00 – 8:00 AM at Bago Beach Resort, Gulf View Subd, Talomo (Fronting Apo Golf). Make a public confession of your faith in Jesus and enjoy a festive celebration with your spiritual family. “…’ “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.’” (Acts 2:38)
- CHILD DEDICATION on December 11, 2016 during our Second Sunday Morning Worship Celebration (10:15 AM – 12 NN). Partner with God in raising your child according to His will and ways. For inquiries, please contact your life group leader or the LCF Office and look for Kath. Deadline for submission of requirements will be on December 4.
- Save the date and start the year strong as we welcome 2016 with RE ENCOUNTER for Encounter Alumni on January 14 (Saturday) and DELIVERANCE MINISTRY CONFERENCE with Ptr. Hiram Pangilinan on January 28 (Saturday) all happening at The Lighthouse – Victoria Plaza. Make sure to come and receive from the Lord!