October 13, 2013
1. SCHOOL OF LEADERS 3. Wednesdays (7 - 9 PM @ Lighthouse Center) and Sundays (1:30 - 3:30 PM @ VP Cinema 6). Keep receiving powerful teachings and empowering exhortations from the Word of God! Increase more in your godly knowledge about leadership and consolidation!
2. Save the date - October 19, 2013 (Saturday) for WATER BAPTISM, 6 - 8 AM @ Bago Beach Resort, Gulf View Subdivision, Davao City. Don’t miss the joyful celebration of witnessing our fellow believers in the Lord publicly declare their new life in Christ. See you there!
3. Experience an all new level of praying to God. Attend HARP AND BOWL PRAYER MEETING on October 18 (Friday), 5:20 – 6:20 PM @ the Lighthouse Center across the entrance gate of People’s Park. Let’s altogether rend the heavens with our passionate prayers!
4. COUPLES CONNECT on October 18 (Friday), 7 – 9:30 PM at CAP Mini Auditorium, Anda St., Davao City. Learn important Biblical principles on how to cultivate your marriage. Develop a strong marital relationship and enjoy a lifetime commitment with your spouse! See you!
5. All cheers for SCHOOL OF LEADERS 1, 2, 3 AND POST ENCOUNTER JOINT GRADUATION on October 20 (Sunday), 1:30 – 4:00 PM at Victoria Plaza, Cinema 6. Join in the celebration as we extend our warm congratulations to the graduates! Share the joy as they commence a higher level in their spiritual walk with God! Be sure not to miss it!
6. Beginning October 20, the LATE AFTERNOON SERVICE will be at Victoria Plaza Cinema 6. It will also be expanded to a full 2-hour worship celebration like the Sunday morning celebration. It will also be renamed as EVENING WORSHIP CELEBRATION. 5:00- 7:00 PM every sunday. Let’s give this our full support!
7. Beginning this month, the PRAYER ROOM at the Lighthouse center across People’s Park entrance gate will become the PASTORS’ OFFICE AND CONFERENCE ROOM. Those who want to pray at the center can pray at the main hall during office hours.
8. Please be informed that the PUAN OUTREACH will have its final worship celebration today. Beginning next Sunday, there will no longer be a worship celebration there! This is part of the re-focusing of our efforts to building in other aspects of our church’s ministry and outreach.
9. Beginning next Sunday, there will be a slight adjustment in the time we start and end the SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP CELEBRATION. We will now start at 10 AM and end at 12 NOON. That’s one more reason to be at church