Positive Change
“Let the wicked change their ways and banish the very thought of doing wrong. Let them turn to the LORD that He may have mercy on them. Yes, turn to our God, for he will forgive generously.” (Isaiah 55:7)
Change. We don’t always want it. But in many areas of our lives, change would do us a lot of good. We may feel comfortable in some areas of our lives at the present, but change will bring a greater satisfaction eventually.
You and I are called by God to continue in our journey toward spiritual maturity or perfection. God is excellent and perfect in his being/ person and in his ways. For us to effectively reflect him to a spiritually dark and broken world, we need to undergo continual transformation in our character and behavior.
All of us long for many people and situations in our lives to change. We would be delighted if some people who are difficult to deal with will change and be reasonable or kind. Think, for example, of people in your home, work/ business, or school. Do you feel that things would be better for you if they would change some of the ways they relate to you and some of the ways they do some things? Most people will be thrilled if their bosses or teachers would change the way they relate to them. Change feels great if others would be the ones to change, not us. Yet there is a call from God for us to change in order to bring praise to God and benefit others.
Change is necessary for things to continue to improve. Without change, things would be very boring and would eventually deteriorate. This is also very true spiritually. Today, decide in your heart to pursue positive change. Be willing to leave behind the comfortable and “safe” and try the new and “unexplored” in your life and ministry. Change can be painful, but it is the high road in life for the greater things of God to be realized in our lives.
You may have come today with some pain in your heart or discouragement in your soul. But know that the Lord loves you and he wants to help you. Open your heart to him. Surrender your life to him. Believe in him and receive his love for you and his power for your needs. He will bless you and turn things around for you.
God’s rich blessings on you and your family!
Lathur Badoy