Pressing On The Last Lap
In the world of sports, athletes give their best for the whole game. But it is normal strategy to conserve some of one’s best strength for the last lap or part of the game. In basketball, for example, teams give their very best in the fourth (or final) quarter of the game. The fourth quarter is the time to pour everything into your game so that you will win.
The same is also true in the other areas of life. People in sales, for example, give their full energy in the final days or weeks of a major sales campaign or push. They do this to get financial rewards or special public recognition.
In our lives as followers of Jesus Christ, we will also do well to give our full energy because we are now like in the later or last lap of our spiritual race. It’s time to press into reading/studying the Word of God, into prayer, into establishing a relationship with a spiritual discipler/mentor, into closer fellowship with other Christ-followers, and into sharing our faith in God to others. When we do these, we will ensure that we will win in the spiritual race that God has set for us. We will honor God and place our lives in the path of God’s blessings.
Are you fulfilling your calling as a Christ-follower? Or are you distracted or unconcerned? Give your best energy and focus to the Lord beginning today. When you do, you will win your spiritual race!