Titus 2:8 Use wholesome speech that cannot be condemned. Then any opponent will be ashamed because he cannot say anything bad about us.
So much good has resulted from wise or kind words. The opposite is also true: so much evil or trouble has come from foolish or unkind words that were said. Think, for example, of one of your most intense quarrels with a family member, a colleague at work, a neighbor, or a classmate this month: Wasn’t it caused by some words that were said that hurt the other person and evoked a harsh response? Even when the original conflict was due to an act or a failure to do something that was promised or expected and not due to something that was said, the issue was made bigger and bitter because of hurtful or inappropriate words that were said in the course of communicating with each other. Godly speech- a way of speaking that pleases God- is such a practical thing. We are not dealing with some theoretical, abstract concept here. We are all happily aware of how some words have brought much joy, assurance, and guidance to us, sometimes at very crucial times. But we are all also conscious of how some words have brought much sadness, doubt or fear, or confusion to us. So we all long for godly speech- a manner of using words that help and heal instead of hinder and wound. Today we continue last week’s theme on the use of the tongue. We want to talk about some more areas where our tongues can bring life or cause a dying of some sort in other people’s hopes, dreams, confidence, and similar things. And we want to learn how to speak in such a way that we bring people closer to God and other people instead of away from God and further from people. The tongue can be a powerful instrument for good if used under the control of the Holy Spirit and with the guidance of the Word of God. How is your tongue? Does it speak the great works of God and release life to people? or does it curse God and destroy other humans? May we all receive God’s instructions and empowerment today as we seek to be godly in the words we say. God’s rich blessings to you and your family and ministry today! Lathur Badoy