“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.” (Proverbs 3:9 – 10)
Welcome to Lighthouse Christian Fellowship, your church, your home, your family! We are happy that you came and are excited for God's blessings for you and for everyone who made it today. Today we will celebrate God's great goodness to us! We will recognize that God has been a generous and faithful Father and provider to us. Amidst the busyness of our lives, we come together as God's family members praising and thanking God in his house. This special day is a First Fruits Festival to the Lord! It's a happy occasion to declare that our God and Father is the lavish and constant giver of everything we have and enjoy. Today we give to God our first fruits offering, that is, our offering from our first produce or income for the year. Let's us give joyfully, not grudgingly. Let us offer with faith, not fear. When God is first in our lives (and one powerful way to express that is by giving a first fruits offering to him), God is pleased & honored, and the rest of our income for the year is made holy to God & blessed. First fruits giving is very powerful because it puts order in our lives (our hearts, not just our finances) as we visibly show God that he is number one in our lives. When God is first, the things we need will be given to us as well (Matthew 6:33), and doors for many good things are opened. The Bible is full of examples from Genesis to Revelation of the rich blessings of God that come as his loving and obedient children do what he says, putting their lives under God's Lordship or ownership. Let's enjoy this First Fruits Festival to the Lord today! God's lavish joy, provision, and gifts come to you and your family today and the rest of the year. Lathur Badoy