Raising up the Next Generation of Leaders
Everything rises and falls on leadership. A family, church, NGO, or nation benefits greatly if there is good leadership. On the other hand, people can suffer if the quality of leadership is low or poor.
But leadership is not just the “top” level of leadership. Rather, leadership is exercised in many different settings or ways. In a sense, a large number of people are leaders because they influence people (for good or bad) toward some things.
The Lord is concerned that good leadership be exercised in the church. The raising of good leaders has always been a concern on God’s heart. Leaders should make sure that they raise up the next generation of leaders so that the work of God continues and progresses until it reaches the goal that God has set for it.
Moses raised up Joshua. Joshua eventually led the people of Israel to faithfully serve God and possess the Promised Land. That is a good example. On the other hand, we have Hezekiah who was described as a righteous king of Judah, but he was not able to raise up the next generation of leaders. The next king (his son), Manasseh, was an evil king who led the people away from the Lord. What God wanted to do was stopped and the people became unfaithful to God.
Today, we will be reminded about the great importance of raising up the next generation of leaders. We will study about how a leader must see the vision, what characteristics a leader who wants to raise up other leaders should have, and what things can prevent a successful raising up of leaders for the continuing work of God.
Brace yourself for some enlightening and inspiring study today. And as you open your heart to God, he will bless you. The Lord knows your needs and wants to give a blessing to you today. Just reach out to him in humility and trust.