Ready or Not, Midnight is Coming!
Revelation 22:20 He who testifies to these things says, "Surely I am coming, quickly." Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus!
Dear Lighthouse family,
We are thrilled that you made it to our Regathering worship celebration today. We rejoice that we are together physically doing something we love to do: praise our great God and loving Father. Let’s enjoy our ‘family reunion’ with our heavenly Father and our beloved brothers and sisters in Christ.
Our theme for today’s message has to do with our great hope of being with Christ and all his people forever in the amazing new heavens and earth. The Lord has promised a wonderful great future, and we are nearing that time. Physically, midnight is like the darkest time of the day. Spiritually and morally speaking, we are also in or around the time of midnight. There is so much spiritual evil and compromise. Morality is at an all-time low.
The Bible says that the Lord Jesus will return to earth at a time of great spiritual and moral darkness. Frankly speaking, that time can be very soon. When the Lord Jesus comes, he will find two kinds of people among those who claim to belong to him: those who have kept themselves spiritually awake and on fire, and those who will be found to be spiritually asleep and unprepared. Those who are ready will enter into the great joys of heaven, while those who are not prepared will be rejected.
Now, more than ever, we who call ourselves God’s people, must keep ourselves spiritually awake and on fire. The Lord Jesus Christ will come for us soon. May we be ready to welcome him on his return to take us to be with him forever.
May the Lord richly bless you, your family, and your ministry!
With love and prayers,
Pastors Lathur and Leah Badoy