Isaiah 1:19 If you willingly obey me, the best crops in the land will be yours.
Welcome to our worship celebration today! We are thrilled that you made it, and we pray that the Lord will richly bless you as you open your heart to him. There’s so much in store today, and you will be wise to allow the Lord to speak to you and change you today. There is so much that is happening around us. There is much that is taking place inside each of us. The forces and influences that we consciously or unconsciously allow in our lives shape us and determine our future. So it is wise to know what ideas, personalities, and attitudes are affecting our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and to align them to the only sure guide for life - the Holy Scriptures or the Word of God. The Word of God is the light that shows us the way. It is also like a mirror that helps us see what we or things really look like. As we look into the Word of God today, may we permit the Lord to put a mirror in front of us and show us what we really look like. The purpose is to help us see and be affirmed if we are looking good to God, and also to see if we look bad in some area of our attitudes and actions so that we can fix it in the soonest possible time. Rebellion is an attitude of heart and a lifestyle that we need to check if it is present in our lives. Rebellion is very ugly in the eyes of God, and we should remove it with God’s help. On the other hand, submission is a heart attitude and behavior that looks very beautiful in the sight of God, and we are wise to develop it. May you and I never be rebellious because God judges rebellion. Instead, may we all be submissive because it attracts God’s blessings in very great ways. May the Lord abundantly bless you, your family and your ministry this week and always. Lathur Badoy