Resting on the Promises of God
Rest. We all want it. And the truth is we all need it. I’m not just talking about getting more sleep, watching more movies, or taking more vacations. Rather, I’m referring to experiencing more restedness or peace in one’s mind, emotions, and body, regardless of where you are and whatever you may be facing.
What you consider as true affects your thoughts, feelings, and your physical condition. If you think that you are on your own and don’t have a heavenly Father who takes good care of you, you will worry or be afraid. It’s pretty scary out there in the real world if all the resources that you can use are only those that you have (plus perhaps just a little help from some people). Life has so many variables (unpredictable factors), and twists and turns. People don’t always act the way we want or expect them to. And other factors can affect your life as well.
Thankfully, we have a loving heavenly Father who has given us many promises on which we can anchor our lives. You don’t have to be afraid or worry because there is a promise from God for every need or concern of yours. You can lead a life that is free from the anxieties that plague so many people.
Today, let the promises of God wash over your fearful soul, and bring peace to your tired mind and body. There is a bright future for you. Your God and Father will fulfill every single one of his promises. Not one will fail. So rest. Rest in God’s promises. Enjoy a life of abundance and peace because of Jesus Christ and God’s great love for you!