September 28, 2014
1. Complete your way to freedom and victory as you attend POST ENCOUNTER LESSONS on September 28 & October 5, 1:30 – 3:45 PM @ The Lighthouse – Victoria Plaza. Keep the fire burning and increase in the knowledge of God’s wonderful plans for your life. There’s more that the Lord will do! See you!
2.SCHOOL OF LEADERS 1 & 2this Sunday until October 5 from 1:15 until 3:30 PM. Venue: SOL 1 @ Lighthouse – People’s Park & SOL 2 @ Lighthouse – Victoria. School Fee: SOL 1 – Php 200 & SOL 2 – 250. Be lead to a path of servant hood, commitment, and purpose as you become more and more like Jesus! Bring out the Christlike leader in you!
3.Be empoweredand encouraged as you come to LIFE GROUP LEADERS MENTORING, September 30 (Tuesday), 7 – 10 PM @ The Lighthouse – Victoria Plaza. Grow in character and wisdom as you walk towards the greatness of your destiny in God. Learn biblical truths about leadership and ministry service through powerful teachings from our pastors!
4.OVERFLOW NIGHT, October 3 (Friday), 7 – 10 PM @ The Lighthouse – Victoria Plaza. Receive fresh fire and passion from the Lord! Let your hunger and desperation rend the heavens that will cause God to release an overflow of His presence and power! Come to God and be filled until you overflow! “…You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”(Psalm 23:5)
5. Let us rejoice as our fellow believers in Christ submit for WATER BAPTISM on October 4 (Saturday), 6 – 8 AM @ Bago Beach Resort, Gulfview Ave., Davao City. Join in the joyful celebration as we witness the followers of Jesus make a public declaration of their faith and commitment! Don’t miss this!
6. JOINT WEDDING CEREMONY, December 27 (Saturday), 3 PM @ The Lighthouse – Victoria Plaza. Save the date and decide to make an eternal covenant with your partner before God. For inquiries or to enlist, you may contact your life group leader or the LCF Office (look for Katherine).