Stop, Look, and Listen
(Slowing Down to be with God.)
We live in a busy world. Everyone seems to be rushing here and there. There seems to be so much to do. Most days end with the majority of people feeling they have not accomplished everything they wanted to do for the day.
We also live in a distracted world. There are thousands of people, ideas, internal and external pressures, and other things that call us to give them attention. Without a very defined set of values and priorities, people can end up doing the urgent instead of the important. Many people look and wonder why they have reached where they are now. They never planned to be where they are in some aspect of their lives. But they followed the wrong leads and pursued goals that are not for them, and so they lost their way.
Today, the Lord reminds you and me to slow down. Slow down enough so that we can hear the voice of God in our hearts. This is so critical. In fact, this is our life source. Without the discipline of slowing down to be with God, we are prone to make mistakes that can move our lives in wrong directions.
Hear the Lord’s call in your heart today. Then, decide to take time to be with him everyday. It doesn’t have to be long. But you will do well to do it.
Blessings on you today!