Taste and see that the Lord is good.
In a few days, the year 2013 will end. Don't forget to thank the Lord for countless blessings he gave you during the year. He has been so good. Even the testings you and I went through were sent or allowed by God for a greater purpose. If you love God, all things work together for your good (Romans 8:28).
In the Lighthouse family, we do a kind of a rite of passage every end of the year (as well as every beginning of a new year). We encourage everyone to spend some time with the Lord in a private setting. In that private time with God, thank God for the blessings you received, settle any issues you may have with God, bury your regrets, and re-dedicate your life with God. Those who practice this are able to end each year strongly or right. And they are positioned (in their hearts or before God) to start the new year really well.
Regardless of where you feel you stand in the diferent aspects of your life, be reminded that the Lord is a good God. His goodness is a powerful reality that you can count every day of your life. It is a great stabilizing factor as you face life's joys as well as its challenges. Receive a fuller understanding & experience of the goodness of God in your life today.
Blessings on your life today! May you have a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!