The Choice of a Lifetime
Matthew 7:13 Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
Welcome to Lighthouse Christian Fellowship, your church, your home, your family! We are glad that you came! We have prepared something special for you so that you can know the Lord as he wants to be known. We are thrilled at what can happen as you open your heart to the Lord today!
Life is about choices! We are faced with various possibilities with their own implications or results. We make choices; then our choices make us. What you are is a sum total of the effects of the choices you have made so far. While some decisions we make have no significant impact or lasting effect (like choosing what to eat this morning), some of our decisions do. So we want to make sure that we choose right, so that we will have the desired outcomes in the future.
Of all the choices you and I need to make, the one with the biggest impact and longest effect is the path we choose in relationship to Jesus Christ! How you and I relate to Jesus Christ and how he leads us affect our lives big time. The forgiveness of our sins before a holy God, the getting of a righteous standing in the eyes of a holy Judge, and the receiving of adoption to become God’s children are all determined by how we relate to Christ. And the effect is eternal or forever.
Today, may all of us make sure that we choose the path of life or salvation! If some of us realize that we are on the road that leads to destruction, may we turn to the Lord today and receive his help to walk on the road that leads to life!
May God’s richest blessings come to you and your family this week!
Lathur Badoy