The Empowerment of the Holy Spirit
Black-outs. Brown-outs. Power outages. We all have memories of very dark, uncomfortably warm nights where every minute seemed to last for an hour and a few hours seem forever. No electricity/power means no aircon or electric fan, no convenience devices (refrigerators, rice cookers, stereo players, wi-fi, etc). Life pauses to a very significant extent because without power, we can hardly do any significant thing. And the things we may still be able to do, we will do much slower and probably with less quality because we are able to do what we do well through the use of electric-powered equipment and devices. Without power, life is not the same. Without power, life, as we live it, is far less than what it can be.
In the same way, life without spiritual power is far less than what it can be. You and I can try to live for God without the power of God, but we cannot do well. We cannot be what God wants us to be and we cannot do what God wants us to do if there is a spiritual brown-out in out lives.
The wonderful news is that there is an unlimited supply of power from God. No believer in Jesus Christ ever needs to have a spiritual brown-out. The Lord Jesus said, “Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (John 4:14). God’s plan for all his followers is a perfect, triple A plan. There’s an unlimited supply of power and resources from God. Our experience may include some imperfections and problems, but it’s because we are still growing in our trust in God, in our understanding of truth and obedience to God, and in our ability to fight and win spiritual battles. There are time and maturity factors and considerations. But God’s provision of power for us is perfect. As we learn to believe, receive, and use God’s power, we will increase in our experience of victory and blessing in our lives.
Today, let us be encouraged by the reality of God’s abundant supply of power for our lives. Let us re-commit to do what is necessary to experience God’s constant and overflowing provision of power for our lives (daily personal Bible reading, prayer, obedience, etc.). This includes removing sin, questionable habits, unbelief, and other things that block the flow of God’s power. Remove bitterness, pride, moral compromises, and other things that hurt the Holy Spirit