Matthew 25:21 "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'
Rewards are a very positive thing! We enjoy them on this present earth. Those among us who are faithfully patronizing certain malls, credit cards, airlines, gasoline stations, restaurants, and other institutions receive rewards at certain points of our positive relationship with those companies. We accumulate certain credits or points, then we are qualified to receive special benefits that other people who were not as faithful to those companies as us cannot receive.
Good employers give rewards in order to motivate their officers and staff. They know that people tend to perform better if they can look forward to some extra or special benefit that will come to them in the future.
The Lord is the best and most generous rewarder. He is the richest and kindest rewarder. And he says that he will reward you and me for our faithful lives and service while on this earth. No earthly boss comes even remotely close to how lavishly the Lord promises to reward us for our loving actions and our “sacrifices”.
Today, we want to talk about the great and glorious rewards that God wants to give us in the future earth. In particular, these rewards will be given to the faithful and those who overcome. Because God is so kind and generous in his being, he wants everyone to receive as much reward as possible. Because God is just or fair, he will give rewards in proportion to the quality of our lives while on this present earth. The amount of rewards you and I receive will depend on how much we showed our love for him and people. What you will receive can be vastly different from what I will receive. Rewards are, by nature, given based on certain standards; in this case, God’s standards which are taught in God’s Word. I want to receive as much reward as I can in the future life which will never end.
Specifically, we want to talk this weekend about the different kinds of rewards that the Lord Jesus promises to those who overcome and those who are faithful. These rewards include our degree of authority and the kinds of crowns and clothing that we will wear in the future or eternal heaven. We will also talk about the degree of riches one will enjoy and the particular closeness with God that one will be privileged to have forever. Unbelievable rewards await those who overcome sin, temptation, persecution, and trial. Glorious benefits are prepared for those who live faithfully on this present earth.
May you and I live so lovingly, faithfully, and victoriously so that we will be richly rewarded by God in the age to come. That life or “season” is going to last forever, so we will be wise to ensure we are investing heavily for it. May you be found to be rich toward God in heaven forever!
Lathur Badoy