The plot twist reminds us that God is fully in control of our lives. God often allows situations to reach their lowest point before He intervenes to show that He can work miracles even in the most desperate circumstances. - Paul John Tambis
God released a new wave of faith and a solid assurance as we gathered to worship and feast on God's word for SUNDAY WORSHIP CELEBRATIONS. Paul John Tambis shared a timely and empowering message about "The God of Plot Twist." Experience the joy and peace that are found in the presence of God as you join either of our three worship schedules: 10:00 AM, 1:00 PM, and 3:00 PM at The Lighthouse, Cinema 6, NCCC Victoria Plaza Mall. Come with your family and friends. See you this Sunday!
What is a Plot Twist? – It is a sudden, unexpected development used in all forms of storytelling (books, plays, films, television, etc.) that changes the direction of the plot. Synonyms: Surprise, turn of events, change, development, unexpected ending.
- God sees the entire narrative or whole story of our lives from beginning to end and weaves every moment- good and bad- into His greater plan.
- As the Author of our lives, He carefully writes each chapter of our lives with purpose, orchestrating even the most surprising and unexpected events to fit into His perfect plan.
A. God’s Plot Twists Are Always Good and Purposeful
- God’s plot twists aren’t just random or accidental—they’re part of a greater, divine purpose & plan of God.
B. God’s Plot Twists Reveal His Sovereignty - Plot Twist remind us that God is ultimately in control over everything in our lives.
Bible Story: Joseph’s Story (Genesis 37–50) - His life seemed to be filled with endless hardships. But in one “plot twist,” God elevated him to the highest position in Egypt, second only to Pharaoh. This unexpected turn of events not only saved Egypt from famine but also reconciled Joseph with his family.
Genesis 50:20 "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."
1.) Trust God’s Timing and Process (Proverbs 3:5-6)
- Trusting God’s timing and process means that we are believing that everything unfolds according to His perfect schedule or timeline, even when it seems like nothing is happening or things are moving in the different direction.
God Can Turn Setbacks into Setups
God’s Timing is Perfect (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
2.) Release Control and Depend on God’s Strength (2 Corinthians 12:9)
Often, we have the tendency to take control the outcome or situation in our lives because it gives us a sense of security and stability. But God calls us to depend on Him, especially in situations beyond our control or out of our hands.
God’s Power Shows Up in Our Weakness
3.) Look for Opportunities to Glorify God in Every Situation (Matthew 5:16)
- Each situation of our lives can be an opportunity for us to glorify God, whether it’s by showing patience in our trials, offering encouragement to others who may be struggling as well, or demonstrating unwavering faith in God.
4.) Hold onto Hope, even in the Darkest Moments
(Hebrews 6:19) - Holding onto hope in tough times is an act of faith, believing that God’s promises and plans are still active, even if circumstances say otherwise.
- Darkness doesn’t mean the absence of God; it often means He is working in ways we can’t yet see.
God Works Behind the Scenes Even When We Don’t See Him
Bible Story: Esther’s Story (Book of Esther)
Esther's story is a powerful illustration of God’s purpose in plot twists.
5.) Stay Faithful in the Waiting Season (Isaiah 40:31)
- Waiting can feel like wasted time, but with God, no season is ever wasted.
- Often, God uses waiting periods to shape our character, deepen our faith, and prepare us for the responsibilities or blessings He has planned.
- While you wait for God’s “plot twist,” continue to serve God and other people, pray, read God's word, and grow where you are.
6.) Celebrate God’s Faithfulness After Every Plot Twist (Psalm 105:1) - Acknowledge God's Work in Your Life.
Conclusion: God’s Ultimate Plot Twist is The Cross and Resurrection of Jesus. (Matthew 28:2-7)
- Jesus’s resurrection is the ultimate plot twist, showing us that even death isn’t beyond God’s power.
- When Jesus was crucified, it looked like all hope was lost. BUT three days later, He rose from the grave, proving that God can redeem even the darkest situations.
“When all seems lost and Satan thinks he has you right where he wants you, God is going to reveal His epic plan for your release. An amazing plot twist is coming!” (Dianna Hobbs)