The God Who Speaks
One of the really awesome things about God is that he takes time to communicate with his special creation, man. Though he is so great and does not need anything from anyone, he chooses, because of love, to relate personally to man. And he does this, not just to groups such as nations, tribes, or families, but to individuals as well. Yes, the great and awesome Creator God and King of the universe speaks to you and to me individually and personally.
God communicates in many ways. The physical creation is one of God’s ways to speak his messages to you. By observing the animals, plants, and other creation of God, we learn about God and his ways. The Bible is God’s written instruction manual for you and me. In its pages, you and I read the words of God for you and me. And God’s communication to you and me includes prophecy.
Prophecy is the speaking of messages from God to people. God uses ordinary people as his instruments to communicate his messages through prophecy. The purpose of prophecy is to strengthen, encourage, and comfort people (1 Corinthians 14:3). Prophecy is a great gift from God. It must be exercised responsibly and carefully, but it is such a blessing.
The Lord also speaks to us in our hearts. This is the internal “yes” or “no” guidance system of the believer. Just by getting a “pulse” of what the Lord may be saying, you and I can know if we’re supposed to go ahead, not move forward, or postpone making a decision. The peace of God in the heart of the Christ-follower is a reliable guidance system if accompanied by some knowledge of the Word of God as well as some sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Do you need to hear some guidance from God for an issue that concerns you? Are you facing some complicated situation where you are not sure what is the best course to take? Do you desperately need to receive a “yes” or “no” from God on an important decision that you need to make?
You and I don’t have to be without knowledge as we go about life seeking to honor God and making disciples. The great, loving, and wise God speaks to you and me. So tune in to his frequency. Train your spiritual senses to “hear” God’s voice. And seek to obey God when you hear his communication. Your life will bring joy to God and much blessing to others.