The Joy of Serving the Lord
Everyone is set and ready for the big celebration this afternoon! Expect to see 8 grand presentations from the clusters of life group networks. Pray that your name will be drawn and you get to take home one of the many minor as well as major raffle items. Enjoy fun and fellowship with the spiritual family!
Make sure you come to our Annual Family Day and Christmas Service! We start at 3 o’clock this afternoon. Bring your family. If you are leading a life group, make sure that your life group members are with you to celebrate the good news of great joy that Jesus Christ brings forgiveness of sins to all who will turn away from sin and trust in him.
The Christmas season is on us now! May Christmas 2013 be your best Christmas so far! Receive the good news that brings great joy to all. Make sure you’re not caught up with parties and shopping only. Discipline yourself to spend time to reflect on and share to others the true meaning and joy of Christmas. For those who are spending the Christmas-New Year season in their home cities/towns, decide to keep your spiritual life in order especially as you will be away from the spiritual family here. The Lord bless your time with your biological family! We look forward to seeing you again on the first few days of the New Year 2014. Be sure to keep in touch with your life group leader about the special activities we will have as we begin the new year 2014.
Serving the Lord is the greatest privilege, thrill, and adventure of life. Nothing compares to it in this world. Living for God and doing what he wants brings deep fulfillment and true joy like no other lifestyle does. Today, let’s be encouraged and refreshed as we are reminded of the joy and blessing of serving God.
Blessings on your life today and throughout this Christmas season!