The Power of Hosting the Presence of God
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom! Where the Lord is, there is life. God’s presence brings healing to the sick, abundant provision to the righteous, guidance to the seeking, strength to the weary, courage to the fearful, and many other good things! God is everything good we could ever wish for, and much more! Where he is present and people welcome him, good things come in abundance!
God blesses those who receive and honor him! His presence gives unbelievable blessings. Miracles are possible where he is believed in. Callings are fulfilled and destinies are reached when God is at the center of our lives. We are safe if he is the captain of the ship of our lives and families. Life on earth can be a little paradise of some sort as we focus our lives on obeying the Lord.
There is great power in hosting the presence of God! There is much blessing in welcoming God’s rule over our lives. Many benefits are enjoyed when Jesus is Lord of our families, employment, studies, businesses, ministries, even of our hobbies and entertainment lives. When God is treated with the awe and honor that is due to him, he manifests his power and glory in ways that result to overflowing blessings.
Are you hosting the presence of God in your life? Is your family a place that welcomes and honors the Lord? Is your ministry done in ways that are in line with God’s will? Or are you negligent spiritually? Do you treat God’s presence lightly or carelessly? Are you a good host for God’s presence and activity in your life and family?
Be richly blessed today as we together welcome the awesome, glorious presence of the Lord in our lives and families!
Lathur Badoy