The Transforming Power of the Holy Spirit
Limitations. That word describes what it means to be human especially after the spiritual & moral fall of man due to the sin of Adam in the Garden of Eden at the beginning of time as we know it. Since then, we humans struggle to understand the truth, relate to each other properly, live abundantly, etc. Our lives are marked, among others, by weaknesses and constraints.
Even after a person turns to the Lord and his/ her sins are forgiven & he/she is declared as righteous in the eyes of God, the effects of the spiritual and moral fall remain on his soul (mind, emotions, will) and body. He wants to serve God fully and effectively, but there are limitations.
However, the Lord gives the Holy Spirit to those who give up their independent lives and surrender the control of their lives to him. His purpose is to empower them so that they can be what he wants them to be and they can do what he wants them to do. The Holy Spirit’s presence & activity is the differentiating factor. It’s what makes the decisive difference in a person’s life.
When you yield the control of your life to the Holy Spirit and allow him to mold your character & do his work in the world through you, you will see the supernatural dimension manifested in and through your life. You will be changed in very significant ways and what you will be enabled to do things that you could never do in your power. The Holy Spirit transforms you in very many ways.
So let’s learn to welcome the Holy Spirit more in our lives. Let him take the throne (leadership) in your life. Trust in him and let him do what he wants. Let go and let God. And you will be thrilled at the outcome of a life that is beautifully and radically transformed by God and useful in the service of the Lord.
The Lord richly bless you and your family today!
Lathur Badoy