Do you want more power in your personal life? You can have it if you fast and pray.
2. Release of spiritual power in ministry (Acts 13:1-3)Do you want more power in you ministry? All things being equal, you will have more power in your ministry when you fast and pray.
3. Hearing the word of the Lord (Daniel 9:3; Daniel 9:20-23)You can hear the Lord’s guidance when you seek him through prayer with fasting
4. Protection (Ezra 8:21-23)Note that Ezra and the people did more than to just go without eating. They humbled themselves and sough God. They sought Him through prayer and God responded by listening.
5. Avoiding disaster and destructionDuring a devastating famine in Israel, the prophet Joel – inspired by God-decreed that there should be a holy fast. He ordained a solemn assembly with all the people confessing their sins and the priests weeping and interceding before the altar. (Joel 2:12-17, 1 Kings 21:25-29)
6. Help in times of trials, troubles, and battlesJoel describes the plague of the locusts and calls the people to repentance. He urges them to mourn, tremble, fast and pray. (Joel 1:12-14; Joel 2:12-15; Joel 2:18-20)
7. Deliverance from enemies (2 Chronicles 20:3; 2 Chronicles 20:9) 8. Power for evangelism and missions (Acts 13:2; 49)So this year 2024, let’s pray and fast. Let’s tap into the unlimited resources of God through prayer and fasting. Just do it. And you will see great transformations, blessings, and miracles happen in your life.