Revelation 21:5 He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new.”
Jesus Christ is the Life-changer! He is the one who makes us new. Today, he wants to do a work of transformation in your life. If you will allow him, you will be made new in ways that nothing and no one else can. This is very exciting. Welcome to our Change Lifestyle Sunday! Today we celebrate the change of what is most important in our lives. Due to our ignorance and hard hearts, we pursued wrong priorities in the past. We exchanged the lasting for the fleeting (temporary). We went for the counterfeits instead of the genuine. We gave our lives for things which are not really that important. Now the Lord is opening our eyes and hearts to see clearly, and then to make better decisions. We will still take care of valid and important things like financial goals and dreams, a desire to marry or be loved, travel and enjoyment while we are still physically able, and the like. But they are no longer our priority. Now Jesus is our priority. And we are now developing lifestyles that honor God instead of just feeding our ego or making us feel good. In normal, every day transactions of life, it is said that “you get what you pay for”. This means that some don’t want to let go of significant amounts of money so they buy inferior products. While it is good that they “saved” some money by paying less, it is actually disadvantageous eventually because the inferior products will probably not last long enough and the service they give is lower in quality as well. But those who are willing to invest more in what they buy will get products that they can enjoy and use more, and it will last longer. In the same way, when you and I prioritize God and practice lifestyles that please him, we are investing in what will truly satisfy and meet our needs, and our enjoyment of it will last much longer (in fact, it will be eternal or forever). May the Lord help us to make Jesus our Lord, our greatest love, our deepest joy, and our eternal priority. May our lifestyles reflect the values of heaven that we are now beginning to understand and live by. Lathur Badoy