Genesis 50:20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
Life is not a bed of roses! God does not promise that you will not have problems or pains. In fact, the Lord Jesus himself said that you will have troubles while living in this sinful and broken world. But he promises that you can rise above the negative circumstances and flourish inspite of them (John 16:33). There may be people who, for some reason, don’t like you and are trying to pull you down. Some folks who are around you may be over-bearing. Others may treat you badly because you don’t do the wrong things that they do or they want you to do. You may feel alone and struggling. And you may not yet see an end to your negative situation. But be courageous! Rejoice in the Lord! You are not alone. The Lord is with you. The negative circumstances cannot stop the wonderful plans that the Lord has for you. Keep living a godly life for God. God is working in your circumstances to turn evil into good. The evil plans of spiritual and human enemies will become the very means for promoting you and helping/saving many people. Yes you can thrive or flourish inspite of unfavorable situations! Because of Jesus Christ, you are victorious! Lathur Badoy