You are rich. There is so much that is yours because of your relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ the Son. You may or may not have much money right now, but there is so much spiritual resources that are yours if you will believe and take them.
Today we want to talk about the riches of God's grace. You will see how abundantly God had blessed you with everything you could ever need to be fruitful in your spiritual life and to enjoy every day of the life you have here on earth.
God's grace will carry you to an unbelievably glorious and joyful life with God in eternity. You have been lavished by God with grace upon grace. You are extravagantly loved by God. God's grace is yours in every area of life and to meet every need plus more. It is multi-faceted like the many facets of a sparkling precious diamond. Grace supplies what is lacking, makes better what is available, and lifts you up to greater heights. As you grow in your understanding of God's glorious grace, you will be catapulted to a new level of gratitude to God for his super-abundant provisions. You will be stirred to a new intensity of passion to worship the One who has given you so much even though you are so undeserving of it. You will want to always stay close to the Source of this matchless grace.
So God's glorious grace is available to you. But you need to take it and use it to meet your needs, to bless the different situations of your life, and to share it to so many people around you who need it so desperately. Like any wonderful thing, God's grace is useless to you if you don't believe it, hang on to it, or even fight for it. Remove the barriers to experiencing God's grace, and you will be endlessly thrilled at the wonder of the new life of grace that you have because you are following Jesus Christ!
Enjoy the riches of God's grace today and always!