Romans 12: 11 Never let the fire in your heart go out. Keep it alive. Serve the Lord.
Hi Lighthouse family, It’s so good to see you again this weekend. Our weekend gatherings are like reunions that bring much joy to us, and, of course, even more so to the Lord. What a delight, a pleasure, and a blessing to come together in the presence of God to sing praises to the One who is so worthy of all worship, and to hear His message. Both the Sunday worship celebrations and the Saturday worship service are special to us, and great things happen by God’s grace in all the in-person meetings of God’s people. Online worship is okay, but onsite, physical gathering is much more preferable and good. So please feel very welcome and at home. Know that we are thrilled that you came. If you are joining us for the first or second time only, know that we feel honored and happy that you decided to come. May the Lord meet you in a special way and give what you are asking from Him. During this weekend, we will be talking about the Lord’s desire that you and I live with an unquenchable fire for Him. So first we make sure that we love Him deeply in our hearts. Then, we guard that passion for God that it will not be quenched by worries, evil desires, neglect, willful disobedience, moral compromise, or other causes. It is when we are spiritually on fire for God that He is very delighted with us. May you and your family and ministry be richly blessed by the Lord God Almighty who is the Father of all who love and obey Jesus Christ. Love and prayers, Pastors Lathur and Leah Badoy