Using God’s Money Wisely
1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
Welcome to the worship celebrations at Lighthouse Christian Fellowship, your church, your home, your family! We are glad that you came! We have prepared some things that will help you. More than those, the Lord wants to touch and change your life for the better. As you open your heart to him, you will experience his presence, his power, his love in a life-giving way. He will bring you near to him.
Today, we will talk about something that everybody is interested in or concerned about - money! More narrowly, we will discuss some of the Bible’s commands, advices, and principles on the wise management of finances. All that we are and have come from the Lord. We may have worked very hard for them (and that’s good), but, ultimately, we only have them because God enables and/or allows us to have them. All our wealth is borrowed from God, and we are stewards, not owners of them. We are, therefore, expected by the Lord to joyfully and wisely use his money that he has entrusted to us.
There are different levels of teaching on money management in the Bible. There are direct commands, indirect commands, advices, examples, and others. There are broad principles and instructions as well as very specific guidelines. We will try to distinguish them as will be needed or helpful. But regardless of the form or level of teaching each idea will have or be, we will be wise to listen and apply them. The Word of God is the Word of God. It is the best available manual for living, including about the wise use of money. The Lord will help you as you seek to do what he says. You will be able to give honor and praise to the Lord when you are an effective manager of God’s financial resources, and you will also bring good to yourself and those around you.
Whether your concern today is about financial management for God or some other thing, the Lord will touch your life! He will bless you and do something good to you. So expect a gift from God to you and to your family today!
Lathur Badoy