Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. 8 For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.
Throughout the history of the world, harvest seasons have been happy times. Harvest times have been celebrated with harvest festivals. Worldwide, people celebrate the harvest festivals in different names such as Benichon in Swiss, Dozhynki in Russia, Erntedankfest in Germany, and MakarSankranti in North India. There’s food and wine, dancing and singing, and more. Spiritually, we also celebrate our harvests of good things. We celebrate our spiritual milestones and breakthroughs, victories and special moments. We rejoice when we are able to harvest people and help them find a living, loving relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Spiritually and morally, there can be a harvest of bad things too. This we should avoid as much as possible. Here good intentions are not good enough. We cannot make excuses that we actually wanted to do the right things, but we just failed to do so because of emergencies and urgent things that delayed us. Planting and harvesting is governed by some basically unbreakable laws. Our alibis will not save us when the time comes. Only the actual things we did- our works- will matter. If we planted good things, we will harvest good things. If we planted bad things, we will surely reap the same. If you have been unselfish, loyal, loving, generous, and the like, rejoice that your future will be a rich reaping of those good things. But if you have been selfish, disloyal, a liar, unloving, stingy, and the like, you will harvest the same, only more since the harvest is much larger than the original amount planted. Good and happy things await those who have been planting good seeds. But bad and sad things lie ahead for those who have chosen a path contrary to love for God and love for people. With God’s help, let’s plant good seeds so we can have a future filled with hope and good. The Lord bless us all richly. Lathur Badoy