Proverbs 29:1 A person who still won’t obey after being warned many times will suddenly be destroyed. Nothing can save him.
The LORD is a very patient God! Compared to human patience, his ability to give people more time to change is unbelievably great. He does not act reactively or thoughtlessly. He never loses control of his emotions. He gives people many chances to stop doing what is wrong and to begin to do what is right. He is very merciful and gracious. But God is also a holy, righteous, and just God. Therefore, at some point he must judge evil and punish sin. Yes he will show great patience, but his patience can also run out. The Bible gives very many examples, on both the Old Testament Scriptures and New Testament Scriptures, that God hates wickedness and will eventually act to discipline or punish those who willfully persist in doing evil or wrong things. God’s rule or leadership is one of righteousness and justice. Therefore, he will not tolerate evil or unrighteousness. This aspect of God’s character is largely neglected in many churches. There is much talk on how to succeed, how to get rich, how to be happy, etc. But there’s not enough attention to this very important aspect of the Christian life. Some think of this theme as “negative” but the Lord does not think so. Standards, rules, and guidelines are valid, helpful, and necessary. Warnings are appropriate because they keep us from things that can harm or destroy our lives. Are you abusing the kindness of God? Are you taking for granted his holiness and righteousness? Are you justifying some sins or compromises in your life and saying that God will never discipline or punish you even if you stubbornly refuse to repent? The Lord is calling all of us today to be open to his voice and to be willing to make necessary changes so we can honor God and also avoid discipline or punishment that can be very costly for us. The LORD’s abundant blessings on you, your family, and your ministry this week! He is good! And he wants you to experience his kindness today and every day of your life! Lathur Badoy