Mark 5:20 And he went away and began to proclaim in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him, and everyone marveled.
Missions. It’s not an idea for the specialist. Neither is it only for the spiritually elite or advanced. Rather, it is for all who consider themselves followers of Jesus. And contrary to the perception of some, it is not a burden but a great blessing. Why should you and I care for missions? Because God cares bigtime for missions. Missions is what God is doing in the world since the earliest times, is continuing right at this very moment, and will continue until the renovation of this present earth that Jesus Christ will do when he takes over as rightful King of the earth. The vast resources of heaven, the powerful activities of angels, and the all-seeing eyes of the Lord are on this grand purpose of taking a people from all parts of the earth who will love & obey him so that he may be glorified through them. Missions is such a key thing to God. Missions also provides to people their greatest need. Returning to God and living for God are man’s true necessities, and they are made possible only as people hear & receive the Word of God that changes their lives. Missions is, of course, motivated by our love for God and desire to obey him. Our gratitude to God for our salvation also fuels our passionate to “pay it forward” to others. Do you care for missions? Are you doing something about it? May the Lord stir you up today so you can flow in this most exciting work of God. May we all pray more, give more, support more, and even go more for God’s mission work throughout all the earth. The Lord richly bless you, your family, and your ministry today and always. Lathur Badoy