Proverbs 22:3” Wise people see trouble coming and get out of its way, but fools go straight to it and suffer for it.”
The Lord wants you to have a life that is filled with his righteousness, peace, and joy! He made you to enjoy love, abundance, health, and every other good thing with him. We know from the Bible that God prepared a wonderful life for man in the Garden of Eden in the original creation, but man threw it away by his foolish choice of independence from God. Everything changed in a bad way as a result of that one wrong decision. Today, the Lord still wants you to enjoy eternal and abundant life with him beginning right here on this present earth! He is as willing and able to give that to you. But your part is very important. If you make proud or selfish choices, you can get yourself and those who depend on you into a lot of trouble. A wonderful life under God and with God is available, but you can miss it if you act foolishly and make wrong decisions. Today we will continue and conclude the discussion we had the other Sunday about wise people making foolish choices that complicate or destroy their lives. Our purpose is to remind ourselves of our capacity to make foolish moves that can ruin people and futures, and go close to God who can help us live on the straight and higher road. The Bible is full of stories that are written down to serve as examples or warnings for us. If we are wise, we will be open to listen and learn. God’s wisdom is very reliable and very practical. We will be helped tremendously and blessed greatly as we welcome God’s Word and God’s Spirit into our hearts and lives. We will talk about real issues that we encounter in our lives. We will get insights from the Bible on what to avoid, and the Lord will give us the power to make wise, good, and godly choices that will bring honor to God and blessing to us and people around us. May the Lord’s rich blessings be on you, your family, and your ministry this week and the whole Christmas season! Lathur Badoy