Defeating the Spirit of Offense
You can be offended. People can say or do some things that can hurt you. The Lord wants you to live with a forgiving spirit. He wants you to not hold grudges against people, even if they have acted unfairly or selfishly. This does not mean that you make yourself believe that the hurtful thing they did was right. Rather, it is about keeping your heart right, inspite of wrong things that are being said or done.
You need to defeat the spirit of offense if it exists in your heart! You cannot negotiate with it. You cannot tolerate it. The spirit of offense can and will destroy your life and relationships if you won’t arrest it right away. It will color how you see things and people. It will blind you to important truths and considerations. It will lead you to make foolish decisions that you will regret in the future.
Offense has destroyed marriages, families, friendships, churches, businesses, and nations. It has robbed people of good health, good reputations, and wonderful futures. But we will be taught or reminded today to defeat offense before it destroys some aspects of our lives. And we will also receive empowerment from God to defeat bitterness in our lives.
The Lord has a blessing for every need in your life! Give your life to him. He will bless you like no one and nothing else can!