How to increase in your experience of the power of God
Power. The Free Online Dictionary defines it as “The ability or capacity to perform or act effectively”, “Strength or force exerted or capable of being exerted”, “ and “The ability or official capacity to exercise control”.
You and I need and want power. Whether it is just for finishing tasks at home, completing school requirements, successfully closing a business deal, building our homes to be godly, or growing a life group, we all need power. Any increase of power would be a welcome thing. It would be a blessing.
Well, the good news is that the Lord wants you and me to increase in our experience of the power of God. When the Lord Jesus taught his disciples to pray, “May your kingdom come and May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”, he was expressing the Father’s passion to see the realities of heaven experienced on the earth. This requires power. Supernatural healing of sicknesses, driving out of demons, the raising of the dead, the turning to faith of large numbers of people, and other things of the kingdom of God involve power. God has this power. The people of God has this power, but they need to grow in the experience of it.
Today, we will look at some things you and I can do so that we will increase in our experience in the power of God- for personal maturity and victory, for family peace and unity, for ministry growth and expansion, for financial breakthroughs, and other needs and concerns. Learn these things, apply them consistently, and do everything for God’s glory. You will see more of God’s glory and power released in your life and family like never before.
Come to the Lord with thanksgiving and praise. Pray to him with faith. Know that he cares for you and will bless you as you trust him and surrender to him.