The Power and Blessings of Serving in the House of God
Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them... Romans 12:6
Today, we celebrate the joys and blessings of serving the Lord! We will talk about how God has designed you and me to be useful and feel useful for his purposes here on earth. You see, the Lord made you, not just to exist, but to do some very important and meaningful things. You were made to love God and belong to him. But loving God and belonging to him involves not just thinking about God and feeling strong emotions of passion for him every waking moment. No. Loving God involves doing the things that God is doing and partnering with God in his purposes on the earth.
You may have heard the sayings “You are saved to serve” and “You are blessed to be a blessing”. Well, those things are very true! There is a purpose for your salvation and the blessings you have received. You are to use them to join God in his work of establishing his rule of righteousness, peace, and joy on the earth. Yes, your mission is to use your God-given resources to make earth like heaven: people loving and obeying God, no injustice or unrighteousness, and joy filling the hearts of all.
When you join God in establishing heaven on earth, you are embarking on a journey that will be beneficial for you. There are countless advantages and rewards in serving God because you love him. Today, we will talk about some of those things. May you be inspired and convicted to serve the Lord passionately for as long as you are alive.
The Lord has a blessing for you today! Your need may seem too big, but God is able to touch your life and abundantly provide what you are asking from him. As you trust in the Lord and obey him, you will draw close him. He is the source of all blessings, and it is his joy to give what is good for you!
Lathur Badoy